Pistonrobot updates as of 12-09-2015

I finally got the Little Robot sufficiently finished that I could demonstrate some of how its walking steps would be. I divided the process of walking into a set of smaller individualized motions that allow a person to see how the robot would move its various parts to make the motions of walking. Of course, in a more natural walking sequence, all of these motions would seamlessly flow from one to the next and the robot would move along walking. I do not yet have full control of how to animate the process or how to string together these various sequential variations of the robot’s stance to have a walking sequence that has motion in it. This animation section is to come. I do have a a set of the poses of the robot and these have been sent to the Trimble 3D warehouse. I have created so far stances 1-15 and a render of them is below. Its best to download that image and look at it with your computer where you can enlarge it. Of course, the best way to look at it is to download the Sketchup drawing file of these stances from the 3D Warehouse and open it in Sketchup, then you can look all around at what is happening from a variety of views. There are a few more stances yet to do, but I took a break from robot stuff to make something pretty and nice for the Holidays.

Little Robot Walking Sequence Stances 1-15
Little Robot Walking Sequence Stances 1-15


So, at this point, I suggest you go look at the Holiday Fun drawing work at the page involving the Turning Prayer, this page is named For the Holidays – Turning Prayer.

For the Holidays – Turning Prayer