I have pages here that are discussions of other topics that intrigue me.
I think they are really cool topics and they interest me just simply to imagine how things would be if the ideas in these topics were brought into existence.
Of course, I would like a budget to let me create everything I think of, but, alas, that special power is handed out very sparingly over the ages to a very few people.
But I would suggest, read the topics, if they grab a’hold of you and you start bringing them into reality….well….. I’m with ya’ at least in spirit.

I wanted to import the Sketchup Pro 2019 drawing files that I used to make the Forest Church into Autodesk Maya 2018, so people could view the Forest Church in Maya if they wanted. This importation process (so far) has not been totally successful. I discuss this issue on this page of the the website:
A discussion about problems with doing the Forest Church Sketchup to Maya import process
Introduction to Ice Cannon, Kidney Preservation, Concussion
Christmas 2015 Holiday Fun – The Turning Prayer – Preghiera di Svolta
The Turning Prayer – Preghiera di Svolta – Construction Concepts
Proposed Pedestrian Bridge over the River Wear Durham, England